To survive in politics, you need a thick skin.
That's how the saying goes, right?
Of course, this isn't politics and you shouldn't mix politics, religion, and gambling.
As a community we came across someone who I would say was trying to 'tilt at windmills' (that seemed a fitting synonym).
As I go about my daily job trying to promote punthub and the tipsters within I often share various free tips to endless facebook groups as you do. One such group I shared Richard's (Hanbury) Irish Grand national selection, write up included, with a link to the landing page all about the service. I was met with one comment saying 'scam' or 'scammer', excuse me for not remembering exactly.
You'll notice on every email there's a results link, the results are updated daily (time permitted) and here we have the supplement giving a shakedown of the week. On top of this there is the open telegram chat forum too, with tipsters, and members, where people can discuss and win together. And anyone who's spoke to me will know I like to deal in honesty, which is why punthub is so open compared to other platforms or tipping services.
I politely dropped the chap a message, he suggested it was a marketing ploy and a scam, because I eluded to the 66/1 winner 2 days prior. Of course, the idea is to get parties interested. I kindly invited the lovely bloke into the chat room and other members told of their own success following punthub, and how the results are there for you to study yourself.
Off he went and joined the free trial club.
A day later he was back, moaning he opened an email late and the price was gone, that the whole thing is a scam and everyone needs to be warned. And continued to insult customers who from memory have been around since before PuntHub was even a thing.
One thing I've come to realise as I've been here 6 years to be aimed at, some people just want to tilt at windmills, and suffer from cognitive dissonance. These people are simply better left to their own devices and conclusions, and are highly unlikely to ever make a success from betting long term.
Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to tell NASA the moon's made of cheese.
Until next time
Enjoy your Sunday