Three winners this week and he looks like breaking the 100-point barrier. Fit To Be Tied a 6/1 winner at Cork and the pick of his winners this week. 10 points up for the month is a good start, hopefully I can build on that.
The 30-point loss continues to tumble! Two winners this week aiding his plod back into profit. Rock Sound at 11/4 and Herm at 5/1, 2pts win the selections providing the punch. Just 13 points down now and within sight of breaking even. It’s been a steady return but there’s a little bit more of the deficit to overturn before we can all start raving about a profit.
Tiger Voice the selection this week in the winner’s circle at 5/2. Just under two points profit for this round for the seemingly eternal round two.
How's the results?
Results for all our services are updated daily, due to tables not displaying correctly in emails you can view the results using the link below.
So what’s to watch for the week ahead?
The Last Waltz- At 16 points profit from 28 staked this month and winners as long as 14/1 this week he’s looking good for November after a profitable October. If he can keep this form up through the month, it’ll be a very solid November for TLW.
The Master Plan- once again is showing a profit with under 14 points returned for your 27 staked or an ROI of just over 50%. that added to the year of profit he’s had this year and the Master plan is looking steady as per usual. This kind of consistency isn’t something often found. Enjoy it, and if you haven’t joined then
get involved here.
HRN- Worthy of a mention this week not just for the hefty winner and the double landing but the ROI so far this month. 11 points profit so far for November may not sound like a lot but if his form continues then it’ll end with a profit going into the festive period.
Winner of the Week Is-
HRN edges it this week with Ardera Cross landing at a massive 22/1 on Saturday at Ayr. Its been a competitive week this week for WOTW but at 22/1 it’s stood out clearly from the rest. Well done.
A rather disappointing end to the flat racing season yesterday with Doncaster all but under water. I suggested a couple of weeks ago that weather was becoming a very significant factor in racing performance and have seen nothing to change that view – as I write this article the stair rods continue to fall and I am in the least affected part of the country! Please take care before risking your hard earned cash at least until there is some improvement.
Of course there are other factors that can effect results and if you use betting systems you may be interested in the
article just published drawing on the experiences of a long established punter and race horse owner. It shows how difficult it is to keep track on all the potentially influencing factors.
It has been fairly quiet generally with little new appearing on the potential review front - I discount the perpetual best thing ever emails that some publishers seem to send twice a week what ever is really happening. Last week I counted over 20 emails from 1 house – do they not realise that less really is more? And do they really think emojis are an essential part of communication now?
But over at
Best Betting Review we are about to start a football review where the results show a 90 point gain this season to date. Hopefully this will continue now that the public are watching.
And I am looking for 2 or 3 volunteers to be beta testers for a potential new service that I have been monitoring for over 6 months now in which time the betting bank has doubled. The testers need to be Bet Engine users as the service is completely automatic (and it can be checked in test mode so you do not need to risk any funds until you may wish to do so.
Finally we have added our site to
Trustpilot so you can express your opinion of the site completely openly – feedback is always valuable especially if there are things you would like us to improve upon.
Until next time take care and happy punting.
At PuntHub we love feedback – so please let us know what you think by replying to this email!
If you'd rather it be anonymous you can use the contact form. I promise we don't bite.
Enjoy Your Sunday.
Be sure to check out next weeks Supplement, Issue 100 – We will be giving away a special treat to readers!
Download this weeks copy as PDF here