Welcome to The Sunday Supplement by PuntHub.
A weekly roundup of all Punthub tipsters. The Supplement runs Saturday To Friday, meaning Yesterday is the start of next week's roundup.
Onwards with our weekly overview..
Lockdown Live
Nine winners and thirteen placed for Paul and a rocky start to LL. Volcano a worthy mention returning 9.53 at Warwick while No rematch added 6.41 points profit.
-18.96 from 122 staked so far this month and while its early Paul will be keen to turn it around.
Cunning Fox
One winner this week for the long odds man. Newberry New returned a 9.18-point profit to BSP at Catterick.
0.18 up from 10 staked for the month and his first winner keeping him at break even for the month. The service focuses on long odds so expect a losing run between the hefty winners.
Two “winners” wrapped the month up on a high and the service is enjoying a 100% start to February with 8 bets and all 8 converting. The service is also on a 10 lay run since the last loser.
6.37 up from 8 staked and Ben will be happy at his start. The average odds have crept up to 15.75 but it’ll be smiles all round with the 100% strike rate.
Top of The Pops
Raining winners for TOTP with 4/4 to start February off, 3 on the same day.
Undersupervision a noteworthy winner returning 5 points while Desert Boots also got into the winner’s circle adding another 5 points.
+17.2 for the month pushing his overall into the black at +13.65